Day 31



The First Day
So here we are... on Day 31! I feel like all day I've had a soundtrack in my head playing, 'this is the first day of the rest of your life...' and in some ways it is so true! Today is my starting point, my launch site, my first day of forever. And, surprisingly, instead of being scared, I'm thrilled! 

Day 16



Money, Money, Money
So last week I promised a budget-friendly approach to the Whole30 menu. What I didn't realize at the time was that if there is an easy way and a hard way to Whole30, I was doing it the hard way. If you get into the Whole30 details you will find that it is not a requirement to have all organic, 100% grass-fed foods. It is strongly suggested, but it won't ruin your Whole30 experience to eat food that is not organic. Newsflash anyone? It was to me!

The Battle of The Prices
And here we are on day 6, nearly to the end of our first Whole30 week! I must have lucked out with my shopping last week because we used just about all of the fresh produce we purchased before it went bad, but without running out. So now that it's time to plan another week's menu. Not wanting to spend another day driving to Trader Joe's this week, I researched the best places to find organic food in our area. Most reviews pointed to our local Wegman's and so that's where I found myself this afternoon, with my Whole30 menu and shopping list. The one thing I forgot, however, was my calculator.