Day 16



Money, Money, Money
So last week I promised a budget-friendly approach to the Whole30 menu. What I didn't realize at the time was that if there is an easy way and a hard way to Whole30, I was doing it the hard way. If you get into the Whole30 details you will find that it is not a requirement to have all organic, 100% grass-fed foods. It is strongly suggested, but it won't ruin your Whole30 experience to eat food that is not organic. Newsflash anyone? It was to me!

So after doing some research and going over my menus, I found some really practical ways to cut down our grocery bill while on Whole30, and I am happy to say, it's working! Our grocery bill dropped $50 this week alone, and I'm excited to get it down even farther! Here's what I discovered:
Choose Wisely
If you decide to go only partially organic on your Whole30, make sure you choose carefully. You have a variety of products that you buy including Eggs & Fresh Produce that in the grocery store are 2 or 3 times more expensive if you buy organic. However, I discovered that I lived within an hour of a HUGE Farmer's Market, where all products are locally grown. As many of the farms are small, Amish or Mennonite farms that are not certified organic but that do not chemically treat their soil, there were an abundance of options for fresh produce, which I bought in bulk to freeze. The items that I knew I wanted to remain 100% organic I picked up at the grocery store for the higher price.

There are more options than I had originally anticipated when it comes to buying meat. First of all, grass-fed meat is ALWAYS better for you and taste better as well, as my husband and I have come to recognize over the past two weeks. However, there is a huge variety of local farms that raise their own beef and poultry and, while they may not be certified organic, are a much safer choice than the grocery store options. I have also been able to find locally raised and 100% natural frozen meats at BJ's for a fraction of the cost that I was paying for certified organic meat. Again, this is one of those choices you have to make while managing the Whole30 lifestyle, and there are many differing opinions when it comes to holistic wellness. However, strictly Whole30 speaking, this is a very good option for those on a budget.
We are heading into the colder months and I have to say, I am SICK of salad! Plus, buying fresh produce is expensive because it doesn't last long and I never end up using it all before it goes bad. So, to fix this problem, I started freezing my veggies and using them for grilled salads or as side dishes instead of eating them cold. They last much longer, and with a $3 box of gallon freezer zip-locks, they stack neatly in my freezer waiting to be thrown into a soup, omelet, or the microwave for a yummy warm side-dish!

I can't stress this enough - if you have coupons you have FREE MONEY! You just need to know how to use them to get the best bang for your buck. I won't go into all of that here, but you can find some good resources for coupon-ing on my Pinterest page (click here). Once you have your coupons you need to use them! Don't anticipate them jumping out of your purse and saving you money all on your own; you have to make it a priority to shop off your list and purchase what you have coupons for. You can also find money saving opportunities on websites or in apps for a lot of stores now, for instance Target has an app called Cart Wheel where you can add coupon savings to your 'wheel' and then scan one bar code at the check out and all coupons that apply to your purchase will be automatically scanned! It's an excellent concept for those of us who are too busy to remember to pull the coupons out of our wallet... I have gotten into the habit of scanning my 'wheel' every time I check out, just in case I added a coupon that I had forgotten about.

The moral of this story is, anything is possible if you put your mind to it. When we began our Whole30 Journey, we knew it would take discipline and sacrifice in a lot of different areas of our lives, and we decided it was worth it. Being smart with your money is in many ways just as important as being smart with your diet - they both bring great returns and leave you feeling fantastic and empowered!

Day 16 Menu

Sausage & Fried Eggs with Sauteed Veggies

Leftover Sausage & Veggies

Crockpot Chicken with Carrots & Broccoli

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