A Weekend Away
Due to the nature of my job, my husband, 3-year-old and I often find ourselves away from home for the weekend eating dining hall food and sleeping in hotel rooms. This never presented a problem until we went Gluten, Sugar, Dairy and Everything-Processed Free! This weekend we were away from home for Saturday Dinner, Sunday all day, and Monday Breakfast, and although I proposed a 3-day fast, neither of us were buying it. So I had to do a little extra prep work to keep us Whole30 friendly for the trip. 

My New Infatuation
I love soup! I LOVE soup! I will make soup every week until the day I die. Never did I realize the ease with which it would simplify my life! Between the normal Whole30 Menu trials and an extra-hectic schedule at work this week, I think we probably would have ended up eating raw carrot sticks and celery had it not been for the leftover chowder I was so afraid to make. My fears utterly dissolved with every serving, which, I might add, were several. 2 Dinners and 2 Lunches for both of us isn't bad for 30 minutes worth of prep time and a sliced thumb!