Day 31



The First Day
So here we are... on Day 31! I feel like all day I've had a soundtrack in my head playing, 'this is the first day of the rest of your life...' and in some ways it is so true! Today is my starting point, my launch site, my first day of forever. And, surprisingly, instead of being scared, I'm thrilled! 

Oh Yes I Did
So the answer I know you all are dying to hear is, yes, I did eat chocolate! Just as delicious as I remembered, some things will never change. But I ate a little bit in moderation without feeling guilty or compelled to eat more. Perfection. 

The Whole30 Daily email today had some really good pointers on how to re-introduce food groups back into your lifestyle while still keeping the same healthy model. I've been explaining it like this:

Pretend your meals are split up into thirds and you need to have 2 parts vegetables, 1 part protein (eggs or meat) and everything else in small quantities.

I am now completely adjusted to eating all my vegetables without butter (something that used to be a real weakness of mine), and I don't plan on starting back up! 

The Benefits
So obviously no one does something for nothing. Everyone wants a good return on their investments. My investments were time, strategic planning, money, taste, and comfort. My returns were clear skin, a healthy lifestyle, more energy, better sleep at night, no more sick/gross feeling during the day, a clear conscience and yes, the part we all know really matters the most.... I lost a grand total of 13 inches! (And that was without much exercise due to some unexpected health issues!) I would say that's a pretty good return for my investment, wouldn't you? I'm happy, healthy and ready to tackle my next personal goal. Bring it on! 

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