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Steaming French bread. Thick, creamy Alfredo sauce. Gobs of luscious whipped cream. Triple-layered-chocolate cake. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies, apple crisp, or a friend's frozen 1-year-old wedding cupcakes on Facebook - anything and everything good and sweet and delicious in this world has been popping up in my Pinterest and Facebook feed today! Seriously, people, are you doing this on purpose? Commercials, email ads - they are all screaming EAT ME! I didn't think I was having a hard time resisting, but today I have had to painfully overt my eyes to keep myself from drooling. This battle has become a reality in my home: my husband and I call it Food Porn.

Sugar is Sugar
My insatiable sweet tooth has been throwing a terrible fit lately, and so I've found myself coming up with junk food alternatives to stave away the crave. Bad, bad BAD! They even talk about this in the Whole30 Daily emails, but somehow it missed my brain and flew right out of my head. So I've become terribly creative and finding different ways to create something from nothing, some of them are pinned to my Whole30 board in fact! Microwaved Apples and Cinnamon are my favorite and believe me when I say I truly eat them without guilt - there's nothing wrong with them! It really is a healthy alternative to a dessert, but that's not the point. One of my goals for Whole30 is to change the way I think about food in general, and to regain a healthy perspective. I've decided that satisfying my sweet-tooth cravings (even with a healthy choice) is not helping my overall purpose of retraining the way that I think. So here's to dessert: I love you and I miss you, but don't wait around for me.... I'll be taking a break for a while.

It's a Virtue
I'm beginning to learn through this experience that patience is not the only virtue. Self-control is underrated, unpopular and has been painted in our society as a thing of the past, but still it is timeless and so important. Just as my darling little diva of a 3-year-old has to learn that life doesn't always go her way, it's about time I take a refresher course in the self-denial department. Delayed Gratification 101 seems to be a good place to start - it's never too late to say no!
Day 7 Menu

Scrambled Eggs & Veggies
Spinach & Berry Smoothie with Coconut Milk


Chef Salad (quickly becoming an all-time favorite)

Red Pepper Chicken
Steamed Veggies

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