And we're at Day 5! And I'm craving cheese, Girl Scout Cookies, cupcakes, cheese, bread (in any and every form), yogurt, cheese, yes, I'll say it again, CHEESE! And I'm not the only one! My amazing husband who has been going through this week like a true sport, sent me a desperate SOS today around lunchtime confessing that he was resisting the temptation to dump shredded cheese all over his salad, top it off with a 'gigantic heap' of cottage cheese, and wash it down the a huge glass of chocolate milk!
I guess you could say we're all starting to feel it!

Breakfast Perks
But it's not all one big huge pity party. There have definitely been some major perks in making such a huge lifestyle change this week. First, we are really starting to fall into a routine. Instead of being scattered in a million directions, having to eat a complete meal every morning has really brought welcomed structure to that time of day. It usually takes me 30 minutes to pull together, and by 7:30am we're all sitting down to a hot breakfast. That has been a huge perk since starting the Whole30: eating together. We always have dinner together but breakfast is usually a free-for-all and it's been a pleasant change to have a little family time on a busy week-day morning.
It's A WrapWell today brings us to the end of our first Whole30 work week and I, excited to see how much easier it is to prepare meals on the spot over the weekend. To celebrate I'm indulging in a end-of-the-week mani/pedi date with a girlfriend! Happy Friday!

Day 5 Menu
Leftover Chicken & Veggie Omelet

Hard Boiled Eggs

Baked Chicken
Sweet Potato
(I got home late tonight and so my man got a chance to put his new Whole30 culinary skills to the test. Didn't he do a great job?)

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