Where Is My Energy??
I think my body must be a day behind.... either that or I have more than the average chemical stock-pile in my system! For some reason I just cannot kick this tired feeling! It's not really exhaustion, just a sleepy, tired, lazy feeling that makes me want to curl up and sleep anywhere. This is typical according to the Whole30 program, but they say it usually happens on days 2 and 3, not days 3 and 4, but maybe I'm just weird like that. Regardless, I knew I could not go another day like yesterday so I tried so switch up my routine to keep myself awake. (In the Whole30 they strongly recommend taking naps.... this is not conducive in any form to even the slightest piece of my schedule, so I have had to improvise.)

Some things I did to keep the blood flowing was walk. Walk walk walk walk walk - back to the work room to grab one sheet off the printer that I could have waited for, walk to the kitchen to re-fill my water - I even ran some errands on my lunch break just to get OUT and wake up! It did help and I managed to make my way through the afternoon. They say this feeling will pass so I'm holding out hope that I won't be crawling into hibernation next week. I'm ready and waiting for this amazing energy burst everyone keeps talking about! Where is it?
Pick A Number
Today was good overall and I experienced some fun little victories, the most obvious being walking into a grocery store and not buying ANYTHING but paper products! No gum, no candy bars, no afternoon Diet Coke pick-me-up. Nothing - but paper towels and toilet paper. I think I deserve a gold star for that one! Despite the perpetual grog I would have to give today an 8. Better than yesterday and we're staying strong for tomorrow! 
Day 4 Menu

Fried Eggs
Leftover Sauteed Veggies
Cinnamon Sweet Potatoes 

Turkey Roll-Up
Carrot Sticks

Coconut Chicken (my own recipe! Check it out on my Pinterest board!) 

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