Day 24



Miracle or Mayo? 
So I know I say this a lot, but I have made an AMAZING DISCOVERY! This entire month has been one huge realization after the next and I'm loving it! One of the Whole30 program perks is that you receive daily emails with suggestions, FQ&A, helpful links, recipes, and so much more to help keep you focused and motivated while completing your Whole30. I have not wanted to share most of the secrets I've found there, as it's all part of this amazing program, but this one I can't keep a minute longer! Homemade Mayo. Yes, I said it - I really did! Mayo you can eat on Whole30 and is so creamy and delicious I will never buy store Mayo again! 

The Secret Is...
Patience. Patience, patience patience, which - after 24 days on Whole30 - I have a whole lot more than I did last month! This recipe is very detailed, very specific and must be followed to the exact. No cheating or rounding off or thinking a little diversion won't matter - it will and you won't get this beautifully, flawless product! I promise if you follow it to the T you will be pleased with this creamy, better-than-the-real-thing mayonnaise. Ready to give it a shot? Here's the miracle recipe! Whole30 Homemade Mayo

Day 24 Menu
Eggs & Veggie/Sausage

Egg Salad & Carrot Sticks

Chicken Burger Meatloaf

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