"No Thank You"
Those three little words - so simple to say, so hard to stick to! We were invited to a potluck over the weekend with friends who are typically health-conscious food eaters. We knew there would be a few treats to avoid, but I had no idea that EVERYONE would go absolutely overboard in showcasing their culinary abilities! Baked Macaroni and Cheese, Homemade Fried Chicken, Cream Puffs and Homemade Baked Beans brought us to a hard reality check as we were offered on scrumptious plate after another... I don't know how we made it out of there alive, but by God's grace - and some stiff-necked refusals, we did!

The Weekend of Tests
It must have been our turn to hit the temptation trib full force, because that was only the beginning of a tough weekend. We are both huge football fans, so this season means two things in our house: Full Sunday afternoons and mandatory junk-food purchasing. While we did remain junk-food-less as we enjoyed the Sunday games, I have to admit we couldn't find a cure for the Game Day Munchies! Not wanting to spend the whole afternoon eating celery, but unwilling to go off the Whole30, we had to get a little creative to find snacks that didn't completely derail our Whole30 success, but didn't leave us feeling deprived either. We settled on carrot sticks, apple slices and cashew and almond mix, trying our hardest to only eat one item at a time. I know it sounds simplistic, but do you have any idea how are it is to just eat ONE cashew?? You should try it.... it's quite the feat!

But alas, we made it! One more day down and I'm happy to say, now that it's over, the weekend of trials wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been.
Day 13 Menu

Scrambled Eggs & Veggies

Chef Salad


Day 14 Menu

Paleo Pancakes (for a nice treat!)

Meat Roll-Ups & Sliced Veggies

Veggie Quiche

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