Smooth Sailing?
Wow - I hate to sound boring, but I can't think of anything interesting to write about these past few days!! It has been surprisingly easy, adjusting to this new Whole30 world, and I finally feel like we're starting to get the hang of it! Don't get me wrong - there are still plenty of temptations to avoid and learning curves to make, but I'm starting to feel like this is becoming a lifestyle not just a diet.

I Spy....
I have found both at work and at home I'm starting to want sugar less. And carbs, although what I would give for a steamy bowl of pasta... It's just not a factor anymore. I don't even look for the cheese or think about grabbing a piece of toast for breakfast. I realized today that I had completely forgotten to notice the new additions to the work-room candy jar the past few days! I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I really think it's sinking in! If you have started your Whole30 journey and are trudging through the first few days of cravings and headaches, DON'T GIVE UP! You won't regret it - press through and you'll be pleasantly surprised with the amazing things you can do!
Day 10 Menu

Chicken Stir fry Leftovers & Eggs


Meatloaf, Sweet Potato, Green Beans & Asparagus

Day 11 Menu

Fried Eggs & Leftover Veggies

Salad with Boiled Eggs on the side

Crockpot Chicken & Veggies
Day 12 Menu

Veggie Omelets

Chicken & Salad

Chicken Italian Soup (Great Crockpot Recipe! Check it out HERE)

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